Overcoming Addiction: 9 Steps toward Freedom
Overcoming your addiction is a hard journey, and while nothing makes that easy, it is worth it. Taking this journey one step at a time with the support of others with similar struggles will give much-needed support and help. If you are willing to... -
Navigating Destructive Relationships: 9 Steps toward Healing
When you're in a destructive relationship, it can be difficult to identify what is happening and how to respond. It is normal to be disoriented by the chaos of a destructive relationship, but you do not have to remain passive in response to your loved... -
Mobilizing Church-Based Counseling: Models for Sustainable Church-Based Care (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Mobilizing Church-Based Counseling, the first book in the Church-Based Counseling series, provides a framework for guiding churches through the process of building a volunteer-led counseling ministry. Many churches would like to start a counseling...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Facilitating Counseling Groups: A Leader's Guide for Group-Based Counseling Ministry (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Facilitating Counseling Groups, the second book in the Church-Based Counseling series, provides training for lay leaders to guide a group-based church counseling ministry (G4 model) that addresses common life struggles. Leading a counseling group is...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Transformative Friendships: 7 Questions to Deepen Any Relationship
Transformative Friendships shares seven simple questions that will help you be intentional with your relationships and offers a springboard to deepening and strengthening friendships that will enrich your life. Building meaningful friendships is not... -
Facilitating Counseling Groups: A Leader's Guide for Group-Based Counseling Ministry
$13.59Retail: $16.99Facilitating Counseling Groups, the second book in the Church-Based Counseling series, provides training for lay leaders to guide a group-based church counseling ministry (G4 model) that addresses common life struggles. Leading a counseling group is...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Mobilizing Church-Based Counseling: Models for Sustainable Church-Based Care
$13.59Retail: $16.99Mobilizing Church-Based Counseling, the first book in the Church-Based Counseling series, provides a framework for guiding churches through the process of building a volunteer-led counseling ministry. Many churches would like to start a counseling...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Angry with God: An Honest Journey through Suffering and Betrayal (eBook)
$11.19Retail: $15.99Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a guided process to being honest with God about your pain to restore and deepen your relationship with him. No one gets mad at God for something small. When we're angry with God, it is because we've faced something...$11.19Retail: $15.99 -
Making Sense of Forgiveness: Moving from Hurt toward Hope (eBook)
$13.59Retail: $16.99Foreword by Rachael Denhollander Clichs, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Angry with God: An Honest Journey through Suffering and Betrayal
$9.59Retail: $11.99Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a guided process to being honest with God about your pain to restore and deepen your relationship with him. No one gets mad at God for something small. When we're angry with God, it is because we've faced something...$9.59Retail: $11.99 -
Making Sense of Forgiveness: Moving from Hurt toward Hope
$13.49Retail: $16.99Foreword by Rachael Denhollander Clichs, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in...$13.49Retail: $16.99 -
Building a Marriage to Last: Five Essential Habits for Couples (eBook)
$5.20Retail: $6.25Where is your marriage? Newly married, in a rut, coming off a major transition, or coming out of a period of crisis or conflict? Regardless of your situation, it's never too early—or too late, for that matter—to build habits that will...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Building a Marriage to Last: Five Essential Habits for Couples
$4.99Retail: $6.25Where is your marriage? Newly married, in a rut, coming off a major transition, or coming out of a period of crisis or conflict? Regardless of your situation, it's never too early—or too late, for that matter—to build habits that will...$4.99Retail: $6.25