God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery

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Foreword by Paul David Tripp

In this important and engaging biblical teaching on sexuality, David White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality that goes beyond “just wait until you’re married.” God, You, & Sex doesn’t sidestep the sexual revolution that has finally come to bitter fruition in teen and young adult “hookup” culture. In the face of these messages and the pervasiveness of sexual temptation, White helps men and women find compelling reasons to obey God with their sexuality. 

This book addresses how the church has made sex more important than God ever intended. By establishing a positive theology of sex from Scripture, White ultimately points to Christ as the Bridegroom and sheds light on broken sexuality, pornography, same-sex marriage, sex outside of marriage, and other relevant topics.

David White, MDiv, is the author of Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-Creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture and God, You, & Sex. He served at Harvest USA for nineteen years, helping hundreds overcome sexual sin, developing curricula, supervising staff, and teaching in churches nationally on sexual issues. He is a graduate of Temple University and Westminster Theological Seminary and is a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. David is married to Jennifer, and they are blessed with four children.
Harvest USA is a non-profit that has been ministering to individuals and families affected by sexual struggles since 1983. With over 100 years of combined direct ministry experience, Harvest USA staff also seek to equip the Church with their writing and teaching on biblical sexuality and how to help those who struggle sexually.
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“The church is not only reticent to talk about sex, but it has lacked a positive view of sexuality. In a book rich with Biblical insight and personal testimony David White not only talks openly about sex but gives us a rich, positive vision of sexual intimacy. Neither is David shy about tackling tough issues head on. I especially hope that pastors and Christian leaders take this book to heart.”
Paul E. Miller, Executive Director, seeJesus; best-selling author of several books, including J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life.

“In our sex-saturated world, we need more books articulating God’s beautiful purpose and intent for sex. David White has produced such a book. From his time at Harvest USA, he has seen firsthand the tragic fallout of sexual sin in the lives of men and women. But God’s intent for sex is good and beautiful, enjoyed in the context of marriage between a man and a woman. White invites you to know God deeper and points us to the ultimate wedding with Jesus as the church’s Savior Bridegroom.”
Christopher Yuan, Speaker; author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story and Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God, A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope.

“For a Christian to proclaim that ‘Sex is good’ without shame or embarrassment seems counterintuitive for many people. However, David White proclaims just that in this excellent resource providing a theology of the purity and goodness of sex in the life of the Christian. His work serves as a reminder that the good gifts of God are to be enjoyed in light of their ultimate end: deeper unity with our Creator.”
Andrew T. Walker, Senior Fellow in Christian Ethics with The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission; assistant professor of Christian Ethics and Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Most of us are interested in sex; our reasons vary. Somehow, David has written a book that speaks to us all. I guess it helps that he is so open with his own life, has had so many conversations about every sexual question imaginable, has helped so many, and understands the difficult texts in Scripture. He writes as a guide, pastor, and friend.”
Ed Welch, Faculty and counselor, CCEF; author of A Small Book about a Big Problem

“In the crowded genre of Christian books on sexuality, God, Sex, & You is a standout. It is a refreshing correction to the error of moralistic approaches to sexuality and is firmly gospel-centered. It is more than a book refuting sexual brokenness in its many forms, this is a positive and robust biblical view of God’s goodness in biblical sexuality that is all about the Christian’s union with Christ.”
Melanie Cogdill, Managing Editor, Christian Research Journal

“A model of speaking the truth in love, God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery puts sexuality in its rewarding biblical, theological, and covenantal context. When David White exposes ‘image-bearing sexuality,’ he puts to bed stubborn distortions—from prudishness to perversions to promiscuity. A student of Scripture and seasoned counselor, he doesn’t just tell us that sexuality is a divine gift, he shows us vividly and compellingly how that is so and why it matters. God created sexuality for his glory and our good, and we must think his thoughts after him about it. With clarity, conviction, and compassion, White masterfully guides us to do just that.”
David B. Garner, Dean of Faculty and Vice President of Global Ministries, Westminster Theological Seminary

“We are sexual beings, not exclusively sexual beings, but sexuality is a significant part of our created design. For this reason, we need discipleship in the area of sexuality, which is more than a clearer version of the ‘birds and bees’ talk our parents may (or may not) have given us. We need to learn to think biblically and talk conversationally about sexuality. That is what David White provides in God, You, & Sex. Read it and you'll find a mature discussion about many things you’ve thought about with a discipleship focus.”
Brad Hambrick, Pastor Counseling at The Summit Church, Durham, NC; general editor for Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused (churchcares.com)

God, You, & Sex invites the believer to think biblically about their sexuality. Its pages paint a bigger and bolder perspective on how the Life-giver calls us to be life-givers both biologically and spiritually. This resource is foundational for singles and married alike.”
Karen Hodge, Coordinator for Women’s Ministries, Presbyterian Church in America; author of Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership

“The destructive distortion of God’s good gift of sex is epidemic. The cultural narrative, when followed, undermines our sexual flourishing. Sadly, the church gets it wrong in far too many ways as well. I ask kids all the time, ‘What would happen if you would allow your sex story to be shaped by God’s story for you and sex?’ David White articulates God’s story on sex with faithfulness and clarity, offering us the perspective we need to both live and teach about sex in all its glory to God’s glory!”
Walt Mueller, The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

“Sometimes one reads a book and finds it radically different than what one expected. God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery is that . . . and in spades. I thought it would be ‘just another book’ about sex and I’ve read so many. David White is a gifted writer, and I knew that the subject would be covered well and biblically. I just didn’t expect the game-changing nature of this book. I don’t believe I’ll think about God’s gift of our sexuality the same way ever again. Read it and rejoice . . . and thank me for commending it to you.”
Steve Brown, Broadcaster; seminary professor; author of Talk the Walk

“To the one who wondered if sex was better than chocolate, David White’s God, You, & Sex says a resounding yes. But White proves that sex is also a fearful mystery—of God's passionate love for the Bride. One trifles at one’s peril.

Let those who would enjoy its pleasures hold to God’s sure terms of use.”
Andrée Seu Peterson, Senior writer, World magazine

“In the presently over-served Christian market of books on sex, this is the ‘one more book on sex’ that needed to be written. I could hardly put it down! David White shows an unusually deep understanding of the spiritual meaning of God-created human sexuality, so needed in our day of frenzied sexual obsession. How crucial is it for our gospel witness in this time to be able to say that “God created humanity with a strong, romantic impulse because he wants us to see his passionate love for us behind it all.” This is an important and timely book for pastors and Christian believers young and old.”
Peter Jones, Director, truthXchange; adjunct professor, Westminster Seminary California; author of The God of Sex

“David White has brought his considerable experience, pastoral sensitivity, and godly wisdom to the task of addressing sexuality as a window into God’s heart for his people. He raises the stakes as he leads us to consider how created and redeemed sexuality leads us deeper into our relationship with God. I warmly commend his work.”
Liam Goligher, Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia 

“In the midst of widespread cultural confusion and sexual brokenness, this book is an excellent tool for any Christ follower seeking to develop and nurture a healthy view of sexuality. God, You, & Sex helps us establish a positive, biblical theology of sex by pointing to our most passionate and intimate lover, Jesus.” 
Hunter Beless, Host, Journeywomen podcast

“In God, You, & Sex, David White has given us a carefully written, brilliantly studied exposition of biblical sexuality. With a tender pastoral heart, David weaves compassion through his biblical treatment of sex, marriage, and singleness, aware that he is speaking into a broken world. This is a book every Christian should read, and a book that pastors and counselors should plan to keep on supply to give away.”
Marty Machowski, Family pastor; author of God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender, The Ology, Long Story Short, and other gospel-rich resources for church and home

“Since the fall, humanity runs toward either trivializing or deifying sex and sexuality. But in his new book—God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery—David White helps us see that sex points us to Jesus, and our sexuality leads us to God. With great wisdom and the tender care of a pastor, White teaches that sex and sexuality are ultimately about God and our relationship with him in Christ. David has written a timely word and a book that deserves a wide reading.”
Raymond Johnson, Senior Pastor of Christ Church West Chester, West Chester, PA; author of I See Dead People: The Function of the Resurrection of the Saints in Matthew 27:51–54 

“All too often people view sexuality quite narrowly on a horizontal level limiting its purview to relationships between people, but David White rightly challenges his readers to include the vertical perspective—to include God, the creator of sex—and what a difference it makes! He answers the questions that people are asking, or are afraid to ask. This book will help you personally, it will help your marriage, it will help your church, and it will help you interact with others on these challenging subjects.”
Dr. Timothy Witmer, Emeritus Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; author of The Shepherd Leader

“As I read this book, the word ‘positive’ often springs to mind. David gives us the needed message that not just sex, but other features of relationships like falling in love are ‘very good.’ His decades of experience mean that his advice is never trite, is sensitive to the variety of experiences with sex that people have, and encompasses contemporary problems. He shines in his fresh exposition of various biblical texts.”
Sam A. Andreades, Pastor; speaker; author of enGendered and the blog, Affirming Gender

God, You, & Sex is a book for everyone. It is timely, honest, readable, and vulnerably practical. Walk with David White through the joys and pleasures, pain and shame, as well as the brokenness and delight of sexuality in a fallen world. You will discover God’s grace and hope all along the way.”
Peter A. Lillback, President, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

“Shifting seamlessly between human romances and our relationship with God, David White shows how each illuminates the other, opening up dimensions of what it’s like to be loved by God and how that divine love sets the pace for our human ones. You’ll learn a lot from White’s direct and gracious handling of all the thorny, contemporary issues of sex and sexual expression, but most of all you’ll see how God’s heart longs for you and how yours can respond to him in return.”
William P. Smith, Senior Pastor for Renewal Main Line; author of Parenting with Words of Grace and numerous other books and booklets

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