Faith Biblical Counseling
Tying Their Shoes: A Christ-Centered Approach to Preparing for Parenting
$15.19Retail: $17.99Through a gospel-centered approach to parenting, Tying Their Shoes by Rob and Stephanie Green lays the foundation for expecting parents to welcome a new addition into their home in light of the gospel. First-time, soon-to-be parents and moms and dads...$15.19Retail: $17.99 -
Tying the Knot: A Premarital Guide to a Strong and Lasting Marriage
$15.19Retail: $18.99Tying the Knot by Rob Green offers soon-to-be-married couples a practical vision of Christ-centered marriage that is realistic, hopeful, and actionable. With homework to help any counselor or couple put crucial lessons into practice, Tying the Knot is a...$15.19Retail: $18.99 -
Picture Perfect: When Life Doesn't Line Up
$17.59Retail: $19.99As a culture, we have a love-hate relationship with perfectionism. We reward perfectionists for their insistence on setting high standards and their tireless efforts to achieve them. But psychologists link perfectionism with a host of problematic...$17.59Retail: $19.99 -
Redime tu Pasado Doloroso: Gracia para el Presente, Esperanza para el Futuro (Redeeming Your Painful Past)
$5.20Retail: $6.25¿Alguna vez sientes que tu pasado te persigue? Tal vez se trate de un error que cometiste y que no se puede corregir, o de algo que te hicieron y que es imposible deshacer. Ves a diario los efectos que tiene sobre tu vida, pero no sabes...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Why Do I Care? When Others' Approval Matters Too Much
$4.55Retail: $6.25It is difficult and sometimes frightening not to have the good opinion of others. No one likes to face the possibility of rejection, humiliation, or opposition. Yet, making our goal others' approval confines us to a small world where life consists of...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
A Father's Guide to Raising Girls
$4.55Retail: $6.25Raising daughters is a joy. Nothing prepares a dad for the rush of feelings that accompany holding your baby girl for the first time. But along with the joy comes the questions. How do you protect her from harm, set her on a good path, and help her...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
A Father's Guide to Raising Boys
$4.06Retail: $6.25Being a father of boys is a privilege and a joy, but it's also challenging. We know that fathers are an important influence on their sons, and we want to have a positive impact on their lives. But we wonder exactly how we can help them grow to be the...$4.06Retail: $6.25 -
Miscarriage: You Are Not Alone
$5.20Retail: $6.25Anyone who has suffered through a miscarriage knows that it is one of the most painful experiences a woman can have. There's an emptiness inside that you cannot describe and that no one else seems to understand. How can you grieve so much for a person...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Alzheimer's Disease: Help for Families in Crisis
$5.20Retail: $6.25It starts out as small moments of forgetfulness that can be chalked up to simply getting older. But as time passes and symptoms accumulate, you are forced to face the fact that your loved one has Alzheimer's disease. Now you're wondering how the course...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Managing Your Emotions: Keeping Your Feelings from Running the Show
$5.20Retail: $6.25Emotions are a powerful and important part of life, but sometimes it feels like they are out of control. Mild frustration quickly turns to anger. Sadness becomes despair. Disappointment deepens into bitterness. You may begin to wonder if you control...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Infertility: Comfort for Your Empty Arms and Heavy Heart
$5.20Retail: $6.25The progression should have been natural. You got married, and children were supposed to follow in due time. But every month that ends in a period rather than a pregnancy has you feeling more and more depressed. Perhaps you even find yourself avoiding...$5.20Retail: $6.25 -
Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Trusting God When You're Afraid
$5.20Retail: $6.25Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks can feel incapacitating. One minute you feel fine, and the next your heart is pounding, your mind is racing, and your stomach is clenching. Sometimes it even feels like you might be having a heart attack. The...$5.20Retail: $6.25