The Gospel-Centered Life - Spanish Edition (eBook)

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Lots of Christians talk about the gospel, but how many really understand the gospel and know how to apply it to their lives? This nine-lesson small group study will help participants understand how the gospel shapes every aspect of life. Each lesson is self-contained, featuring clear teaching from Scripture, and requires no extra work outside of the group setting. The self-explanatory Leader's Guide helps small group leaders with discussion questions and background material that clearly explain and apply the gospel truths from each lesson.

Muchos creyentes hablan sobre del Evangelio, pero Àcu‡ntos realmente lo entienden y saben c—mo aplicarlo a sus vidas? Este estudio de nueve lecciones para grupos peque os ayudar‡ a sus integrantes a entender c—mo el Evangelio moldea cada aspecto de la vida. Cada lecci—n es independiente, presenta una clara ense anza de las Escrituras, y no requiere deberes extra fuera del ‡mbito del grupo peque o. La Gu’a del L’der es autoexplicativa y ayuda a los l’deres del grupo con preguntas de coloquio y material de apoyo que claramente explican y aplican las verdades del Evangelio presentadas en cada lecci—n.

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"With simple and direct language, The Gospel-Centered Life helps people understand and effectively apply the gospel to their lives, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. It's one of the few resources out there that explicitly challenges others to reach out with the gospel, even as it is growing deeper into their own lives. I highly recommend it!"
Dr. Steven L. Childers , President & CEO, Global Church Advancement; Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando

"Con un lenguaje simple y directo, Una Vida Centrada en el Evangelio ayuda a la gente a entender y aplicar eficazmente el Evangelio a sus vidas, sin importar dónde están en su recorrido espiritual. Es uno de los pocos recursos disponibles que explícitamente reta al lector a alcanzar a otros con el Evangelio, mientras el Evangelio se arraiga más profundamente en su propia vida. ¡Lo recomiendo ampliamente!"
Dr. Steven L. Childers, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Global Church Advancement;  Profesor adjunto de Teología Práctica del Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando

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Product Details

Small Group
Robert H. Thune and Will Walker
Publication Date:
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BISAC Category 1:
REL012120 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
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