Sexual Addiction: Freedom from Compulsive Behavior
$4.06Retail: $6.25If you're struggling with a sexual addiction of any sort, you understand that feeling of being trapped, out of control, and afraid of being found out. No matter what you try, it seems impossible to break free from the lure of illicit sexual thoughts and...$4.06Retail: $6.25 -
Sex Before Marriage: How Far is Too Far?
$4.55Retail: $6.25"If we're in love, what's wrong with having sex before marriage? And even if we're not, isn't everyone else doing it? Why should we be the only ones who wait?" Have you ever thought or said things like this? If your answer is yes, you have a lot of...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
Restoring Your Broken Marriage: Healing After Adultery
$4.55Retail: $6.25Anger...fear...despair...guilt...shame...when your marriage is broken by adultery, the core struggles of your heart are revealed. But although you and your spouse may be experiencing many of the same emotions, you are standing on opposite sides of a...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
Renewing Marital Intimacy: Closing the Gap Between You and Your Spouse
$4.55Retail: $6.25You started out telling each other everything. Time flew by when you were together. It all seemed so easy then. But now it seems like there's nothing to say. The intimacy and trust you once enjoyed are gone replaced by bickering, long silences, and...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
Recovering from Child Abuse: Healing and Hope for Victims
$4.55Retail: $6.25The damage you suffered may have been done in one terrible moment or over time. But the healing and the restoration will unfold at your pace, at a human pace. It unfolds as part of your story, and it unfolds over time. As a vulnerable child, instead of...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
Peer Pressure: Recognizing the Warning Signs and Giving New Direction
$4.55Retail: $6.25Does your child do and say things just to be liked and accepted? Constantly talk about what others think and say? Go from one relational drama to the next? These are all warning signs that your child is feeling the weight of peer pressure. Paul David...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
PTSD: Healing for Bad Memories
$5.00Retail: $6.25The event occurred in the past, possibly many years ago, but you still carry it with you wherever you go. Some days the memory keeps replaying over and over again in your mind. You feel angry, jumpy, maybe even guilty or ashamed. You want to move on...$5.00Retail: $6.25 -
Living with an Angry Spouse: Help for Victims of Abuse
$4.06Retail: $6.25You married someone you trusted, and now you are facing unpredictable anger or outright physical abuse. This is betrayal at its worst. Most likely you are numb, scared, confused, and paralyzed. How do you take a step when you are so afraid? Edward T...$4.06Retail: $6.25 -
Life Beyond Your Parents' Mistakes: The Transforming Power of God's Love
$4.06Retail: $6.25What if your human parents were violent, deceptive, cold, or even just occasionally disappointing? Can their failures keep you from understanding God's love and having a growing relationship with your heavenly Father? Some say that you can't know God's...$4.06Retail: $6.25 -
I'm Exhausted: What to Do When You're Always Tired
$4.55Retail: $6.25As a chronic fatigue sufferer, life as you once enjoyed it has ceased. Fatigue can be brought on by a myriad of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. But, whatever the cause, your entire world is now affected by your diminished physical strength...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
I Just Want to Die: Replacing Suicidal Thoughts with Hope
$4.55Retail: $6.25Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
How to Talk to Your Kid about Sex: Honesty and Openness for a Sensitive Subject
$4.55Retail: $6.25You don't want to make a big deal out of it. Isn't everyone else already talking about sex? Yes, they are talking, and their words are shaping your child's understanding right now. In a culture that glorifies casual sex, kids will only learn to think...$4.55Retail: $6.25 -
How to Love Difficult People: Receiving and Sharing God's Mercy
$5.00Retail: $6.25Prickly, defensive, nasty, volatile, withdrawn, miserable...aren't there days when you feel surrounded by difficult people? How do you cope? You can try avoiding them, gossiping about them, or giving them a piece of your mind. But wait! Don't your...$5.00Retail: $6.25 -
How Do I Stop Losing It with My Kids? Getting to the Heart of Your Discipline Problems
$5.00Retail: $6.25The kids are hungry, dinner is late, everyone's tired and on edge, and then it happens—you lose control and blow up at them again. Is losing control with our children inevitable in our busy world? Or is there a better way? Learn from William P...$5.00Retail: $6.25 -
Helping Your Adopted Child: Understanding Your Child's Unique Identity
$5.00Retail: $6.25Long before you decided to adopt, long before your child was born, God planned to put your adopted child into your home. Your child is an amazing gift from God, but nurturing an adopted child also brings unique challenges. Understanding your adopted...$5.00Retail: $6.25 -
Help! My Spouse Committed Adultery: First Steps for Dealing with Betrayal
$4.06Retail: $6.25Your spouse was unfaithful. Those four words don't begin to do justice to the horror you are experiencing. Rage, fear, grief, and even numbness are all normal responses to the shock of betrayal. The pain of betrayal is like touching a hot stove. Your...$4.06Retail: $6.25